
Fleet Driver Assessment Programme

If you have staff who spend time driving for work you have a responsibility to do everything you can to protect them. Under Health and Safety legislation the employer must provide-
  • Safe systems of work
  • Safe work equipment
  • Adequate training and supervision

If you decide that as part of your duty of care you are going to provide a driver assessment programme I would advise you think of the  answer to the question. “What do I hope to achieve from this?” Organisations have a driver training/assessment programmes for many reasons-

  • We want to have a safer more productive workforce
  • My insurance company has suggested it
  • We want help improve the environment by using less fuel and creating less emissions
  • I‘m worried that if I don‘t then I am open to prosecution through Health & Safety Laws


We can help by providing anything from simple advice through to a complete driver assessment programme. Our qualified trainers have worked on large national projects for companies such as British Gas, AAH Pharmaceuticals and Argos. We also work locally with Bucks County Council and Clarks of Amersham.

Potential Solutions:-

  • Online driver awareness course
  • On-road driver risk assessment
  • “Driving for work” compliance packages

Online driver awareness- British Safety Council approved course

  • Online knowledge and training
  • End test with certificate to print when successful

Driver Risk Assessments-1:1 practical session

  • Eyesight, licence and vehicle check
  • Assessment lasts approximately 1.5 hours depending upon the experience of the driver
  • Advice and coaching to improve safety and fuel efficiency
  • A written report to a designated manager

All of our Trainers are qualified and experienced Fleet Driver Trainers who are registered with the DVSA (Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency)

Ready to get started?

Contact Us

If you wish to find out more information please do not hesitate to contact us on 0800 1777 344 or email karena@chdt.co.uk